If we do the tests at 55°F, everything will come out fine because there is no load on the compressor. And then, when it turns 70°F or higher, and a problem crops up, the customer gets angry with us because we were just there testing their system.

We can schedule cooling checks for when outdoor temperatures will be 65°F or warmer by remote monitoring. And we can run checks on many different systems at the same time.

This saves a lot of man-hours. That gives our team more manpower for doing High-Performance system testing, measuring, and diagnosing, as well as our building performance work.

Fall is Recharge Time

As the saying goes, you need to go slow to go fast. I don’t like rolling out too many new programs or services simultaneously. Many leadership books talk about changes and new things that will make your company great.

I believe the best thing a business owner can do is pick and choose the best programs/services. Then give it the time necessary to decide whether to keep moving on with it or ditch it.

That’s why Minnicks always go through what’s working and what isn’t with a new product in weekly meetings. We will talk about new apps we may be using. We ask techs how to make it better. That’s why we typically give new programs or services six to eight weeks, and if things aren’t working well, then we might have to put them on the shelf.

Yes, fall for Minnicks is recharge time. I would like to learn what you do to recharge your team after the busy summer.

Rob Minnick is the CEO and president of Laurel, MD-based Minnick’s Inc. He has more than 35 years of experience in the HVAC Industry, serves as a board member for the National ACCA, and holds certifications from the State of Maryland, ACCA, Building Performance Institute, Residential Energy Service Network, and the U.S. Green Building Council. He has been a member of National Comfort Institute since 2007. He can be reached at ncilink.com/ContactMe.