Written by HVAC Professionals for HVAC Professionals
Why We Use NCI’s Online University
National Comfort Institute’s (NCI) Online University is a group of 30-minute or longer video classes provided to supplement the live, in-person classes that NCI teaches. Here at Progressive Heating, we use them as refresher courses for our trained technicians and as a perfect starter kit to help train new employees.

As soon as the university was available, we began weekly 45-minute sessions for our NCI-trained technicians that also included new employees. If you hire new experienced or non-experienced maintenance techs, this is an easy way to properly bring them up to speed.
Furthermore, if you have technicians too shy to ask for help, or you think they need additional training, this is an easy and inexpensive way to catch them up.
The Online University also offers business and customer service training. The HVAC for Rookies class, for example, takes what can be a very complex business and breaks it down to manageable chunks of info. This shows our office staff the big picture of what HVAC companies do. These classes can be repeated as often as needed, unlike a live class.
By the way, NCI’s Online University classes are eligible for great discounts for members. This makes the training even more affordable for us. Non-members can also access this training.
At Progressive, training is one of the ways we invest in our employees and is also an important part of our company’s culture.
For more information or to sign up for any of NCI’s Online University classes, go to ncilink.com/OnlineU. You can also call 800-633-7058 and ask to speak to a Customer Care Specialist.
— By Greg Wallace, Progressive Heating, Air and Plumbing
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