He explains that they test every building that has gas appliances in them.

“We also carry CO monitors on the trucks so the techs can offer them to customers,” Mellot adds. “We check installed CO monitors and smoke detectors during shoulder seasons and replace the batteries as part of our maintenance and inspection procedures.

“All these things help us to build a strong reputation of trust and expertise. They provide us the opportunity to correct issues of concern from a health and safety standpoint as well as provide a revenue opportunity. Most other contractors in our area don’t do these things,” he says.

The Struggles Are Real – So Are Opportunities

Despite the workforce, supply chain, and other issues they face, Mellot says there are many opportunities for continued growth.

“Growth requires dedication, an investment in continual training, creativity, and focus. Opportunities are tempered only by the lack of a skilled workforce,” Mellot explains. “Opportunities also come from the networks you build, and for us, our investment in training through NCI has also helped us build a network of like-minded fellow contractors around the country.

“NCI membership provides terrific educational opportunities and helps to keep us up with the pulse of the industry. High-Performance HVAC Contracting training changes your perspective on how to look at and analyze customer HVAC issues. It goes beyond equipment problems and demonstrates how the HVAC system impacts customer health and safety. Comfort is only part of the equation.

“Anyone in the HVAC business today needs to align themselves with one or two trade organizations like NCI, RSES, BPI, and other groups so that they have a constant source of new information, and to keep up with industry changes. These things help us to be, what we call, the ‘ComfortMasters’ of our market area.

It’s also important to remember that learning is a continuous process. When you stop learning and trying to better yourself in the industry, you will fall behind quickly,” Mellot concludes.

For these and many other reasons, the High-Performance HVAC Today team has chosen to shine the spotlight on ComfortMaster, Inc. Congratulations to Butch Mellot and the entire ComfortMaster team.