North America’s typical ducted HVAC system only delivers 57% of the equipment’s rated capacity to the living space. That’s like getting 43 questions wrong on a 100-question test! Back in my day, a score of 57 resulted in a big fat “F” on your report card. A failing grade is never acceptable.
The most common customer complaints associated with a failing HVAC system include:
- Flu-like symptoms (headaches, nausea, and fatigue)
- Rooms that are hard to heat or cool
- Uncontrollable humidity levels
- Too much dust throughout the space
- High utility bills
- Noisy, unreliable equipment.
High-Performance contractors know that customers are delighted when their HVAC systems operate well above these “failing grade” levels. Plus, delighting your current and future customers with above-average HVAC system performance increases sales success, sales volume, and improves brand reputation.
Customer delight extends way beyond customer satisfaction. (You do know that a “C” letter grade is typically considered “satisfactory” on a report card, right?) It combines little things that “wow” your customers and shows how much you care about them.

Customers who are delighted with your business are loyal. In addition, delighted customers are more likely to provide glowing 5-star reviews, testimonials, and referrals to their friends, neighbors, co-workers, and family members.
Convert Service Leads into Delighted Customers
Your service technicians typically visit more customers than anyone else in your business. Service techs can start the “customer delight engine” that will efficiently drive your business to greater sales success by simply measuring and recording a few static pressures on each call.
Why should service techs measure and record static pressure on every call? If they don’t measure static pressure, how can they determine if proper fan airflow is present? How can you set the refrigerant charge to proper levels if the fan airflow is too high or too low? Without the numbers, you’re just guessing!
When you measure the performance levels of the HVAC system you are servicing, you become a better service provider. You can find and solve problems that others often overlook. You can create a safer, healthier, more comfortable, and more energy-efficient environment for your customers. That’s what really delights your customers and improves your sales success.
But static pressure measurement alone doesn’t get the job done. You must actually do something with that information to turn it into meaningful results. You need to treat the data like cold, hard cash. Why? Because you can convert information gleaned from the data to more work with just a little effort on your team’s part.
Manage Your High-Performance Database
Unfortunately, most static pressure measurements are handled very poorly in the office. Without a solid plan, these golden opportunities get stacked up in a desk drawer and fall through the cracks. This results in frustrated customers, unhappy service techs, unemployed comfort advisors, underemployed installers, and reduced company profits. The best solution is a robust database.
Many modern service management software systems let you create custom fields. If your current system allows this, you should add at least four static pressure fields on the service call record to capture static pressures for the return duct, before the blower, after the blower, and the supply duct.
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