To win more jobs, customers need to clearly understand the lifetime value of the benefits your solutions offer. Prepare ahead by developing a list of words and phrases that communicate long-term benefits in understandable terms. Communication skills are sharpened when you practice using benefit-building words and phrases with those people that want you to succeed.

Pricing air upgrades and duct system renovations for what they’re worth, requires improving your mindset about pricing, using better pricing and presentation tools, and developing the skills to guide your customers to the best solution they can afford.

Enjoy your high-performance HVAC results!

David Holt Was a Presenter at NCI Summit 2022

David Holt

This article is based on a presentation given by David Holt at National Comfort Institute’s 2022 High-Performance HVAC Summit in Scottsdale, AZ. The session was titled, “How to Price Profitable Air Upgrades and Duct Renovations.”

In this session, David showed High-Performance HVAC contractors why they should consider their work to be high-value craftsmanship that no one else can duplicate. Then he detailed how to price the work accordingly.

If you couldn’t attend this year’s Summit, this article should give you the key highlights of what David shared with those who were there.

By the way, be sure to mark your calendars for the 2023 Summit which will be held in Branson, MO from
April 16-20, 2023.

David Holt is NCI’s director of national accounts and an instructor. You can reach him at with any questions.