Written by HVAC Professionals for HVAC Professionals
JobLink Instruments and Apps
The Fieldpiece JobLink instruments and apps have been going through an ongoing evolution over the years. Their objective is to provide the HVAC industry with a more available and cost-effective platform for technicians to diagnose and measure HVAC system performance effectively.

The JL3RM wireless flex psychrometer probe is an excellent device, but with some learning curves identifying problems or limitations.
Probe and smartphone app operation has improved, leading to the addition of other JobLink instruments. All are part of a JobLink Kit. This kit contains two JLR3RN probes, two wireless JL3LC pipe clamps, and two JL3PR pressure probes. The kit itself is not for standalone use. There is a complete family of JobLink tools that you should use together to obtain critical diagnostic information.
I believe more can be done to help technicians better understand these tools. For example, many techs don’t know that the tools can be used as data loggers, as analyzers for the operating coil, line set, and total superheat (rather than focusing on just total superheat).
Some of the probes can let you measure equipment and system capacity. I think some things that should be automatic require techs to adjust within the app. The fact is most techs don’t do that as often as needed.
With all instruments, easy setup and proper use is the secret to obtaining accurate information. There is ongoing collaboration between Fieldpiece, NCI, and other industry partners to accomplish this and build confidence in the results. For more information, go to ncilink.com/JL3KH6.
— By Jeff Sturgeon, Southern California Training Center Manger, and NCI Trainer and Coach.
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