Written by HVAC Professionals for HVAC Professionals
Dwyer 490W Differential Pressure Manometer

Many technicians today face an increasing selection of instruments, often leading them to choose one that may not be the best. When it comes to Hydronic Testing and Balancing instruments, I use an incredible range of meters and instruments. One that has been a standout for me is the Dwyer 490W Differential Pressure Manometer.
So, in October of 2021, I traveled to Hawaii to instruct a Hydronics class at the AURA D-KIST Solar Telescope on the Island of Maui. This telescope is located 10,080 feet above sea level in Haleakalā National Park which is very protected.
Due to the altitude and Dynalene 50 fluid chemicals, which is a corrosive and toxic additive in the hydronic loop, the park administrators were very concerned about leaks. The good news is that the Dwyer 490W operates with less leakage potential and is easier to zero out than other instruments at that altitude. Its components are resistive to the corrosive nature of that fluid.
In addition, the Dwyer 490W uses two pressure instruments that connect directly to the Pete’s Plug needle. The probes communicate with a smartphone app that uses an intensive library of valves and circuit setters that allows the app to display direct flow information — not just the pressure drop. This set up saves a considerable amount of time in determining and plotting flow rates.
Furthermore, the 490W’s compact construction and integration with technology sets it apart in the industry for service and TAB technicians. The Dwyer company continues to lead the industry in pressure and flow measurement and has had the industry’s confidence for over 100 years.
Learn more about this differential pressure manometer here: ncilink.com/Dwyer490W.
— by Jeff Sturgeon, NCI Training Center Manager and Instructor
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