Test to Make Certain of Your Results

Testing products after installation should be standard. How do we walk away without knowing how well our job is performing?

While the model for performance-based contracting will give you the template for successful jobs time after time, validation through testing allows you to adjust installations to maximize performance and quality.

Back at the office. Take the time two days after a job has closed out to handwrite a note of thanks to the customer. Surveys indicate customers are happier when a problem occurs, and it is resolved quickly vs. no issues to deal with at all.

You should take advantage of the information and include a visit post-installation at the nine to 12-month point.

Supply your customer with a full set of documentation. Think twice prior to furnishing your customer with a load calculation, equipment selection criteria, full duct layout, or job scope information.

Once the job is complete and you have payment in hand, THEN provide a complete set of documents that include an additional set of owner or operator manuals, a detailed load calculation, a summary sheet of work performed, and a clean copy of the paid invoice.

This package will provide value beyond what the customer paid in his or her mind.

‘Performance-Based Contracting? is not a catchphrase that will fade over time. It is the protocol for the future of the HVAC industry.

Technology is driving our industry whether you choose to embrace it or not. Remember, if you choose to keep using old-school methodology you will be Left Behind.

Tom Turner has 40 years experience in construction and the HVAC residential/commercial industry. He is an advocate for the Performance-
Based Contracting business model. Currently, Tom works for Austin Energy as the Environmental Program Coordinator for the nationally recognized municipal utility.