2023 will be filled with many challenges including the new energy efficiency rules. Customers will be faced with soaring prices, not just due to spiraling inflation, but increased costs from SEER2-rated equipment.
Contractors will be faced with tough AHRI matches, and in some cases, installing huge coils to get systems to work properly.
As I wrote in December, because higher-rated equipment is less forgiving, when static pressures exceed 0.5-in., performance can drop like a rock. Unless systems are tested and fixed, you’ll have many unhappy customers and callbacks.
So, what does this have to do with NCI’s High-Performance Summit? Everything!
Highly-Performing Systems from Service TO Installation
Whether you are an NCI member, get trained and certified by NCI, or are a contractor looking for answers to the new normal, you can’t miss this year’s High-Performance HVAC Summit Week —April 16-20 in Branson, MO.

This year’s conference focuses on how to service, sell, and deliver systems that perform as they are supposed to.
While it’s important to make sure new SEER2 systems deliver the promised comfort and energy savings, it’s equally important to educate customers about how these changes impact them.
Laser-Focused Event
Each of this year’s sessions will help you achieve these goals and build a stronger service agreement base with performance testing on every maintenance and service call.
This information-packed event isn’t like other events with generic seminars by industry consultants touting their latest theories on how to generate leads or close HVAC sales. Summit 2023 is laser-focused on helping you deliver the highest quality at the profits you deserve.
If you have never been to a Summit before, fasten your seat belt, it’s unlike any HVAC industry event you’ve attended before. We aren’t very flashy and we don’t do rah-rah rallies. We are focused on solid content without the fanfare typical with many other events.
While Summit has many unique features — including the way we do our general sessions, our game show, idea meetings, breakouts, and social events — one of the most standout differences about Summit is YOU, the attendee.
The Spirit of Summit
I’ve been involved in HVAC industry events for more than 35 years, and to this day I’ve never witnessed the type of sharing and relationships that occur at Summit.
The only way to truly grasp the openness and caring of this group is to witness it yourself. While many love to rekindle old relationships, it is amazing how this group welcomes newcomers.
This conference, now in its 20th year, was created to give High-Performance HVAC contractors their own unique place to gather with fellow like-minded professionals, learn from each other and NCI instructors and coaches.
When we ask attendees what they like the most about Summit, the most common response is the sense of community, even family, and the open and honest sharing that goes on.
So don’t delay, if you haven’t registered for Summit yet, register today at GoToSummit.com and take advantage of early-bird rates.
I wish you a prosperous and healthy 2023, and can’t wait to be together this April. See you in Branson!
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