NCI Summit 2022 Takes a Personal Approach

High-Performance HVAC contractors took center stage in Scottsdale, AZ, on March 28th as National Comfort Institute’s (NCI) 18th Annual Summit got underway. Nearly 100 contractors, preferred partners, and other industry luminaries gathered after a three-year hiatus from in-person meetings due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
This year, the focus centered on This Time It’s Personal theme. Once again, Summit was open to the entire HVAC Industry with the intent of shining a spotlight on like-minded people willing to share their high-performance experiences with peers.

So, this all-new approach allowed conference attendees to personalize their experience based on their knowledge and comfort level with each topic. In that light, each topic offered three options:
- NOVICE: For those who are at the beginning of a specific discipline
- PRACTITIONER: For attendees who are practicing skills and want to take things up a notch – or just need a refresher
- MASTERY: Contractors who choose this option are already proficient in a specific area and are looking to move to the next level.

Excitement radiated even during the preconference boot camp conducted by Goodman Air Conditioning and Heating and during the two recertification classes held by NCI on March 28th.
Then it was three days of seminars, networking, and social events, followed by the yearly awards dinner and banquet.
The Summit 2022 Workshops
Furthermore, Summit 2022 included 18 workshops taught in six sessions by High-Performance HVAC expert trainers from National Comfort Institute. These sessions included:
- Airflow Diagnostics and Air Upgrade Workshops
- High-Performance Sales Workshops
- High-Performance Implementation
- Take it to the Next Level with High-Performance Software
- High-Performance Town Workshops
- Carbon Monoxide and Combustion Workshops.
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