January is always a great time to look back at the previous year and review your company’s progress. While it’s a good idea to look at your financials, it’s also a good time to take stock of who you are compared to who you want to become.
If your goal is to grow as a High-Performance HVAC™ contractor, below are 12 resolutions for the new year. You don’t have to follow these exactly, but there is a logical order to them.
You can decide to adopt some or all of them, or add new ones. Think of this as a starting point.
The resolutions are laid out as one per month on purpose so you don’t get overwhelmed. Many of our readers have already successfully implemented one or more of these actions in their business – congratulations!

While these resolutions are in a specific sequence, be sure to focus on the ones you need to work on in the order that makes most sense for you.
JANUARY – Create a system to hold your team accountable for measuring Static Pressures on every service and maintenance call. I know this isn’t always easy. A carrot works much better than a stick here. Look for ways to recognize and reward the behavior you want to see.
FEBRUARY – Invest in diagnostic tools like the TEC TrueFlow® Grid and measureQuick® software. These tools make your field testing faster and more accurate.
MARCH – Assign a champion in your company to spearhead High-Performance. Your chances of successful implementation become exponentially greater when someone is responsible for keeping your high-performance fire burning.
This doesn’t have to be a full-time position. Typically it is a responsibility for someone already on your team. Choose wisely – pick the person who is most excited about the direction.
APRIL – Add an Air Upgrade option to every replacement proposal that needs it. You will quickly find this applies to most or all systems you test.
Be sure to use a flat-rate approach to your Air Upgrades. Perhaps create two or three packages, so you can quickly pick one to best match the specific situation.
MAY – Add Airflow Testing and Balancing to every installation. A high-performance contractor should strive to test-out every system they replace or renovate. While some may not be perfectly balanced without additional duct improvements, you can always proportionally balance the best you can.
JUNE – Propose Duct System Renovations where needed. When an Air Upgrade alone won’t work, it’s time to propose a renovation. To do this you will likely need to include full system testing up front – be sure to charge for it!
JULY – Create a system to track your KPIs (Key Performance Indicators). You could include things like leads generated from service, number of Air Upgrades, system renovations, etc. Include whatever metrics you feel are important to measure.
AUGUST – Implement a way to bank leads from static pressure and airflow testing on service calls. You can go back to the reports in slower months and reach out to those customers for further testing. If done right, this approach will generate both renovation and equipment replacement work during your slow times.
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