In this process, technicians would take measurements, prescribe a scope of work, and then sell it. The struggle was helping consumers understand what was happening with their systems. That struggle disappeared once techs could verify that what they promised was being delivered.
Over time, airflow measurement instruments got better and technology changed. They evolved from analog to digital instruments that did all the math. That led to more training on measuring, testing, and diagnosing system issues.
Let the Future Start Now
That was the massive transition from the past to where we are today. Falke connected residential static pressure and system performance, which are discussed throughout the HVAC industry today. However, twenty-five years ago, that was NOT the case.

Static pressure was barely discussed unless you were an NCI-trained technician.
You can’t get performance out of your systems without proper pressure and airflow. Those two items are the foundational pillars of everything. They are the “why” technicians need to test and measure. Falke understood this and helped the industry understand how airflow was the lifeblood of any HVAC system.
Now that technicians understand the importance of airflow, they see how it ties into system longevity, reducing component failure, callbacks, and all the problems that contractors run into in the field.
Today, an ever-growing number of residential companies embrace this mentality and use it to change their businesses culture.
The next step is to take the measured data and learn how to apply it to correct poorly performing systems. Without this step, inefficient systems remain unchanged.

That is where companies like The Energy Conservatory (TEC) come into focus. Their mission is to build user-friendly tools and instruments to help HVAC contractors take airside measurements and then interpret that data to convert it into sales tools.
Their TrueFlow® Grid product is one result of those efforts.
Show NOT Tell
The TrueFlow Grid solves a problem that NCI has had for years. It provides a simple way for a salesperson to to do airflow measurement and get a third-party report of the results. The TrueFlow walks you through the entire process. It is hard to make a mistake.
Not everyone will use this tool – many will continue to use Total External Static Pressure (TESP), static pressure diagnostics, and a fan table to get an idea of whether they are close. Selling technicians will more likely use the TrueFlow Grid to take the same measurements but then turn them into a report that eventually becomes a scope of work.
This tool provides contractors and their field personnel a third-party means to show customers how their system is performing. Then they can verify that what they promised is being delivered. They can use this as an assurance report.
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