In the dynamic landscape of the High-Performance HVAC™ industry, influencers and mentors are paramount to shaping the trajectory of other HVAC professionals and businesses. These guiding figures serve as beacons of knowledge, experience, and innovation. They illuminate pathways toward excellence and advancement in an ever-evolving sector pivotal to comfort, sustainability, and energy efficiency.

The dictionary definition of ‘influencer’ is “someone within a niche or industry who has some sway over a target audience. Influencers have specialized knowledge, authority, or insight into a specific subject.”

High-Performance HVAC influencers are leaders who make a difference. Most are servant leaders. In other words, they lead by serving others and their communities. By putting the needs of others first, they empower people to perform at their best.

They are not just members of the High-Performance HVAC community. They are active participants and mentors dedicated to helping others to be more successful. Through those actions, these people contribute to our community’s growth and acceptance throughout the greater HVAC Industry AND among consumers.

Influencers believe in mentoring, education, training, and continuous improvement. They lead by example. They take what they learn and implement it successfully into their businesses. Then take the time to share their experiences with others.

Selecting a class of influencers is not easy. It is based on the input of many contracting firms, manufacturers, distributors, utilities, and trade associations. The NCI team meets people who believe in testing duct systems, equipment, and the building itself. These contractors measure airflow, temperature, static pressure, and more, then calculate how those things impact delivered comfort and energy efficiency.

The following individuals are the current generation of influencers. We don’t consider the time or era these people served the industry. We look at what the candidates have done or are doing and the impact of those efforts.

To submit a nominee, let us know who they are and why you believe they are influencers. Send me your nomination via email at

Here, then, is the Class of 2024 High-Performance HVAC Industry Influencers: