Jose Montes says the Kennihan Plumbing and Heating culture can be summed up by what they call “The Kennihan Way.”

The Kennihan Way is a value statement by which their team lives. It states:

Recruiting ads
  • Be a POSITIVE influence with fellow employees and customers.
  • SAFETY is critical—both for you and your customers.
  • Take PRIDE in your work—maintain a “service” mentality.
  • DO A COMPLETE JOB — solve the customer’s problem, listen to their concerns, recognize opportunity, and complete all paperwork.
  • RESPECT the customer’s home and property.
  • Continuous EDUCATION is essential for professional growth.
  • Dress appropriately — CLEAN UNIFORMS — shirts, hats, and belts
  • MAINTAIN trucks, materials, equipment, inventory, and the customer’s house as if they belong to you.
  • Always act as if you were in your GRANDMOTHER’S house. Customers don’t get professionals in their houses every day. Give them the value of your experience, and let them know if you would recommend something.

So, exactly how do these High-Performance HVAC contracts attract qualified candidates? They use what is known as “targeted recruitment strategies.”

At T.E. Spall & Son, these strategies include the following:

“We sometimes use recruiting agencies as well,” Spall adds.

Recruiting depends on values, leadership, training and more

Greg Wallace at Progressive says they also use online job postings and a rotating spot on their “Now Hiring” website page.

“If we do not currently have a job open that they qualify for, we still welcome them to fill out an application, and we will interview them anyway. We’ve created many jobs for the right people,” he adds.

For Butch Mellot and the team at ComfortMaster, they market jobs and careers using websites like Indeed but also seek candidates at their local school.

Mellot also uses social media channels (primarily Facebook), employee referrals, and alternate television marketing spots promoting career opportunities.

“We believe the holistic approach works best for us,” says Wallace. “Our team is a melting pot of people of all ages and skill levels. It takes a wide reach to meet people where they are. So whether they are directly looking for a job, or they see our advertisement by scrolling through their feed, we cast the widest net possible in our local area.”

Some might say that in this day and age, career opportunities are a no-brainer. But it is amazing how many contracting firms don’t have growth paths for their technicians.