Written by HVAC Professionals for HVAC Professionals
Sauermann Si CD3 Gas Leak detector
I’ve had my fair share of leak detectors, but they haven’t come close to the Sauermann Si CD3. Most leak detectors use audio and visual (a colored scale) indicators to pinpoint gas and refrigerant leaks.

This device is a smaller handheld detector with a flexible stainless probe measuring 13 inches. It requires four AAA batteries, which should last for 20 hours.
The Si CD3 also has a backlight function and an audible alarm to notify the user of a gas leak.
The best part about this instrument is its parts per million display. Unlike many other gas leak detectors, this one shows parts per million starting at one ppm and going up to 10,000 ppm. I love this because it adds more confidence when the detector goes off.
Additional screen display features include % LEL (Lower explosive limits) and % VOL (the percentage of air volume).
Sauermann states that this instrument can detect most combustible gas. I have tested it on refrigerant, propane, natural gas, car exhaust, cigarette smoke, and methane! Don’t ask how I tested that last one! It detected all of them.
Oh, one more thing: Sauermann calibrates, adjusts, and maintains their instruments to guarantee a constant level of measurement quality. They recommend an annual checkup to make sure the Si CD3 is totally accurate.
If you’re in the market for a new gas leak detector, I highly recommend you try out the Sauermann Si CD3. You won’t regret it.
For more information on Sauermann’s gas leak detectors, visit ncilink.com/sicd3.
— Casey Contreras, NCI Instructor
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