Key Performance Indicator data collection, unfortunately, does require paperwork, especially when measuring technical proficiencies. We ask techs to complete progress reports describing what they’ve accomplished with and without help each day.

Techs are responsible for keeping track of this, and then their team leader signs off on it. This paperwork is how we hold them accountable.

There are times when a tech doesn’t want to do paperwork. We must explain to them that this is the only way to know what they are doing. If they want more money by advancing, this is the cornerstone.

From this and other paperwork, we now measure things such as:

  • Total calls (billable and unbillable)
  • Average ticket
  • Conversions to service or installation leads
  • Conversions to service agreement sales
  • Number of follow-ups.

That last one includes examining feedback responses like how we did on the job and what our online reviews look like.

Today, we also measure our marketing and how it impacts service leads and client referrals. From a sales standpoint, we have KPIs for:

  • Number of opportunities
  • Number of sales
  • Total revenue
  • Average Sale
  • Closing efficiencies.

We also collect data on how our customer service reps (CSRs) perform. Every CSR has 25 monthly calls listened to by a third party. The third party listens for key touchpoints made on each call. We use that information to train and help our CSRs improve.

We work hard to become a High-Performance HVAC firm. How can you have a high-performance culture if you don’t measure it, and how can you measure it without having KPIs?

Furthermore, KPIs are how we communicate the score and measure our strategy’s effectiveness. They help us implement our mission plan. They also allow the Lakeside management team to determine if we are making good decisions and investments.

Accurate KPIs are required to make course adjustments throughout the year.

Lakeside has grown yearly since we implemented KPIs and posted them in 2013. We publish everything we measure, making it tangible. We can improve on everything we measure.

If you’re competitive and want to win, you must know the score and what scores matter. KPIs are a great way to do that.

John Boylan is the general manager of Lakeside Service Company in Brighton, MI. The company specializes in designing, engineering, and installing complete comfort systems in new and existing homes. He strongly believes in the high-performance approach to HVAC contracting and is a champion for using KPIs as a management tool. To contact John, go to