Written by HVAC Professionals for HVAC Professionals
Sauermann NCI Si-CA030 Combustion Analyzer
Introducing a new advanced combustion analyzer by the Sauermann Group called the NCI Si-CA030. This analyzer is part of a special kit for NCI members and students. It includes the normal combustion probe, a separate draft probe, and comes in a large soft case.
The Sauermann Group CA030 measures oxygen (O2), carbon monoxide (CO), and flue temperature much like other analyzers. However, the instrument also reads higher CO readings (8000 ppm) to allow techs more time to evaluate problems that otherwise are over-ranged.

Sauermann lists the life of the O2 and CO sensors as four to five years, which is longer than most.
One of the great features of the Sauermann Group CA030 is its wireless communication with your iPhone or iPad. This ability is beneficial when gas-fired equipment is in a small closet and must be tested with the door closed while you stand outside. On larger commercial equipment, the flue distance to the burner is farther than the hose assembly for the CA030. This situation would not allow us to read the measurements as they happen.
Another great feature is this instrument makes the NCI flue interference test less tedious. Why? Because you can see the draft reading from different locations in the building as you turn on additional exhausting appliances or open and close doors.
Did I mention the large soft carrying case? There is room for the analyzer and other meters and tools to make them easier to carry.
Sauermann has many videos and instructions on the Internet about using the CA030 analyzer and all its options. They are some of the best I have seen. This is a new analyzer, so its field history is short as of now, but the feedback so far from the field is that technicians like it.
For more information, go to ncilink.com/Sauermann.
— Jim Davis, senior instructor, National Comfort Institute
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