Register NOW for NCI’s High Performance Summit 2018
Blaze your trail to high performance in Texas at the 2018 High Performance Summit. This action-packed event will be here before you know it. Join us in Austin, March 4-6, 2018 and learn from your fellow contractors how they are making Performance-Based Contracting’ work in their businesses.
Early Bird Savings Plus A BONUS
You can still save $100 in Early Bird Savings off each full Summit registration, but those savings end on January 15th. Furthermore, as a National Comfort Institute member you’ll earn 5% NCI bucks and members with the Learning Excellence subscription earn 15% NCI Bucks for all Summit Week events.
Just point your web browser to to learn more and register. Or call 800-633-7058.
Who Are This Year’s Speakers?
This year, every session is being led by Performance-Based Contractors. All of these contractors are in different stages of making Performance-Based Contracting part of their culture and daily approach to customers.
It doesn’t matter if you are just starting out on your Trail to Performance, or are well into it, these leaders will share their stories, and provide tools that will help inspire and fire you up.
Go to the Summit website to read about who they are.
But Wait: There is More!
Looking for more detail on what the Summit topics are all about? Check out the articles from the January 2018 issue by two of our speakers:
- Eric Johnson of AC By Jay: Just Do It! Sell High Performance HVAC Systems
- Vince DiFilippo of DiFilippo’s Service: Three Ways to Solve Duct Return Obstacles.
Johnson demonstrates how you can sell high performance HVAC systems by taking the first step — commit to doing it. he then shares his experience and success doing just that.
DiFilippo takes a slightly more technical look at how his team overcame airflow issue in customers’ return ducts. He highlights three examples of some very typical issues found in his area and possibly yours as well.
Come to the NCI High Performance HVAC Summit for the education and networking, then stay for the South by Southwest festival and the music.
Still More to Come
We will be publishing additional articles by the speakers on their Summit topics in the very near future. In fact, the February 2018 issue of the magazine will feature an article by speaker Nathan Copeland and how he made the cloud-based ComfortMaxx Air software part of his regular service offer.
And Even More
This year’s Summit happens directly before the famous South by Southwest music festival. So, come to Summit for the education and networking, and stay for South by Southwest and the music.
Did You Know?

NCI Member Rewards Training Incentive Partner Program (TIPP) puts NCI Bucks into your accounts and saves on the cost of training.
Did you know that as a National Comfort Institute, Inc. member you can earn even more NCI Bucks through the Training Incentive Partner Program (or TIPP for short). TIPP allows you to earn incentives based on your purchases of equipment, products, and service from our vendor partners that can be used to help pay for your NCI training.
All existing NCI members are eligible to participate in TIPP. If you choose to do so, an individual training account is set up for you and our industry partners will begin depositing NCI Bucks into it based on your purchases. These bucks can be used to pay for any live NCI training class, any online training, as well as any NCI conference.
This is a tremendous benefit. NCI training bucks never expire. They carry over from year to year with no penalties or loss in value. Furthermore, they are not taxable, so you save money over traditional rebate programs.
Learn more about all of the TIPP features and benefits by clicking here. And if you haven’t done so, sign up for it today. Just call Nick Guarino at 800/633-7058 or email him today at and he will help to get you all set up.
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