If the salesperson wants to take their testing one step further, the app can measure all four static pressure locations like a Duct System Screening test and then add measured airflow. This provides a higher level of accuracy. Now the salesperson can not only discuss airflow, but also they can identify areas of concern that are causing problems.
The Duct System Analysis test can generate leads for further airflow diagnostic testing with a balancing hood or as a differentiator when selling equipment and duct upgrades.

Implementation and Third-Party Reporting
Being a High-Performance HVAC contractor isn’t easy. If it were, everyone would be one. These professionals face some re-occurring challenges. Two of the most common are performance implementation and inconsistent reporting.
The Duct System Screening and Duct System Analysis testing models may hold some answers.
Implementation is probably the biggest obstacle for many professionals. Paper forms are hard to track and leave much room for interpretation and gray areas.
It’s also easy for technicians and salespeople to do their own thing without oversight or systems to standardize processes. Upgrading duct testing to use these tools automates standard workflows since they are built into the app.

By the way, these tools also benefit new technicians learning how to measure static pressure and airflow. The built-in workflows supplement their training and put what they’ve learned before them. They don’t have to rely on memory or handed down information that may have lost its context.
Another feature of tools and software upgrades is improved reporting features. It’s sometimes challenging for a customer to make sense of written notes, even in a report form. Taking the data, which is automatically fed to an app like MeasureQuick or the TrueFlow app, generates a PDF report in customer-friendly language that explains what you might have trouble translating.
It used to be that a customer had to take your word for the test results. Now software gives the same information in an unbiased format. You have a digital assistant backing you up and giving you third-party credibility.
Use What Works for You
If you’re hesitant about change, there’s nothing wrong with using the procedures and test instruments you’re used to, especially if you’re getting the desired results. There’s no sense in fixing what isn’t broken.
However, if you are considering an upgrade, these tools and two duct testing options are worth considering. Think about how these new technologies can make your life easier and solve some of the most common problems you’re trying to overcome.
While the principles of adding a duct system to a maintenance agreement have not changed, the way we gather and share information has changed. Can wireless test instruments and software upgrade your duct testing to serve you and your customer better?
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