Helping your entire team understand why you believe in Performance-Based contracting is a big challenge.
You may be asking yourself these questions :
- ‘Why doesn’t my team understand why this is important?’
- ‘Why can’t I get my salespeople to look at an HVAC system like me?’
- ‘Why can’t I get my technicians to consistently measure static pressure?’
If this sounds familiar, you’re not alone. A big factor affecting these responses is the absence of a clearly defined vision. Everyone tends to do their own thing to get the job done but don’t consider why they’re doing it.
When you don’t know the ‘why,’ neither will your employees and you’ll often see several team members moving in different directions. They end up frustrated and repeatedly achieve poor results. If a vision does exist, it may be poorly communicated or considered ‘just something we say and don’t really do.’
Hard Question: How can your team know what you stand for if it isn’t written down and practiced each day?
Harder Answer: They can’t.
This is where coaching comes into the picture. A good coach knows how to gather their team around a common goal. If you’ve ever been involved in team sports, the goal was to take first place or win a championship. Everyone on the team knew what they were playing for. Let’s look at how you can take this coaching concept and use it to help your team succeed.
The Coach Sets the Tone
A hard reality to accept as a coach is that you set the tone for the entire team. Your actions and beliefs are what team members judge you by. If they are good, others will tend to follow you. Make sure you’re working towards being the best version of yourself before you begin to coach others in areas where they need to improve. Here are three qualities that great coaches possess:
- A great coach is a leader ‘ one who team members look up to for how to do a job the right way, every time. They are dependable and consistent in their actions. Lead by example.
- A great coach is a teacher ‘ one who understands the importance of the company vision and can mentor others to follow it. They are experienced and communicate well with the entire team. Take time to teach regularly.
- A great coach is an encourager ‘ one who inspires team members to do their best, even when it isn’t easy. Encouragers are understanding and elevate team members to help them achieve their best performance.
For these coaching qualities to have the most impact, you need to develop relationships with your team members. It’s hard to coach a team if you’re disconnected from them. For a team to trust and rely on you, they must know you first.
Review these three coaching traits and see how you’re doing. Are there qualities you need to work on so you’re the best for your team? If so, make a list and prioritize which trait(s) you will focus on improving.
Define and Share Your Vision
A coach needs a common goal for a team to rally around and motivate them. Have you defined and written down your company’s WHY? If you don’t have one, your WHY is your motivation and purpose for doing what you do daily. It is what your company stands for.
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