Today we spend more time indoors than ever before, generating higher concentrations of airborne pollutants as a result of our activities. Plus, our customers have greater access to information and greater awareness about the importance that indoor air quality has on health.

Homes constructed after the 1970s energy crisis followed the ‘build tight’ mantra. This approach resulted in some significant IAQ challenges due to lack of ventilation, and people are developing building-related illnesses at higher rates than ever.

Post-Covid customers demand IAQ. They know the HVAC system plays a pivotal role in ensuring quality IAQ inside buildings.

However, we must also address the other elephant in the room – HVAC system operations and its energy usage. We’ve seen extreme cases where the power company remotely increases indoor temperatures during summer peak hours to reduce electricity demand on the grid.

We know that our energy infrastructure has its limitations. Our forecasted electricity demand is increasing faster than new power generating capacity is being created. Air conditioning systems require more power than any other appliance in most buildings.

Let the High-Performance HVAC companies provide customers with a shared focus on improving IAQ and HVAC system performance!

Zach Ortwine is the owner of Southeast Clean Air Solutions and has been in the duct cleaning industry since 2017. He has been called “the redheaded stepchild of the HVAC industry.” Why? Because he helps High-Performance HVAC™ companies see the opportunities that duct cleaning and renovation can bring to their business. He can be reached at

Kyle Newby founded The Dryer Vent Guys in 2013 with a goal of bringing excellence to the dryer vent industry. The company is committed to making all ductwork clean, safe, and efficient. He holds his Virginia l Master HVAC license, is certified with NCI, BPI, CSIA, and NADCA. Through collaboration with Zach Ortwine and John Puryear, The Dryer Vent Guys are on a journey from duct cleaning toward holistic and high-performance mechanical contracting. He can be contacted at