Ladies and Gents — we are looking for photos from the field. Installations that you come upon that just blow your mind. Some are really good. Others are really bad. And a few are so out there you find yourself asking, “What the Heck” is going on!
So when is the last time you saw something when out while working in the field and you thought to yourself, “Hey that is something I could enter into the High-Performance HVAC Today magazine photo contest?”

His entry won in the voting that month and he took home his $25 gift card. You can too! Just enter your photo into the contest today. Why wait? You can’t win if you don’t play!!
Did you act on it? If not, why not? You’ve got nothing to lose and right now the December contest is getting underway! Just snap the picture, then go to this link and upload it. Be sure to include your name and a fun description of what is happening in the photo. It’s that simple.
We are looking for pictures of a project or installation you’ve encountered in the field that was really superb, not so good, or so bad all you could say was, ‘What the heck?’ By sending us your picture, you can put yourself in the running to win a $25 gift card.
Check out past winners by clicking here.
Here is What You Need:
- A photo (or two) that highlights the installation and what is right (or wrong or ‘what the heck?) with it.
- Your contact info
- A short message that briefly explains what’s going on in the picture. We will use the message as the heading for the photo, so be creative!
Again ‘ submit everything at this URL: Do it soon to be considered for the October 2020 competition.
Be sure to enter your information correctly so we can contact you if you win.
Winners will be notified via email and announced on and in the December 2020 issue of High-Performance HVAC Today magazine.
NOTE: By uploading an image you agree that NCI has permission to use the photo(s). Winners will be announced via the and social media.
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