Furthermore, he currently feels his administrative team is on point and believes he has the best lead installers in the business.
Gino says he is finally at peace with where they are and where they are heading.
One of the results: Viccarone and his son decided to build a next-generation building to better accommodate the company’s growth. They designed it together, oversaw the 20,000 sq. ft. facility’s construction together, and were able to move in during the waning days of August 2020.
Reinventing the Wheel
For Gino Viccarone and his team, the importance of the customer, the team, and their families is their focus. To be the best they can be, education, training, and having a can-do mindset are the only way to achieve that.
‘It’s our culture to strive towards perfection. I know there is no such thing as perfection, but it’s the striving that’s important. We can’t provide the best, most comfortable, and most energy-efficient systems unless we measure everything.
‘From that perspective,’ Gino says, ‘I believe that NCI has had a huge impact on my business. I took my first air balancing class in 2006 and there was no looking back. NCI taught me that I was using the wrong numbers in my static measurements, mostly because I didn’t truly understand what the numbers meant.
‘Their training made that crystal clear and our accuracy is vastly improved as a result.
‘So I came back and reinvented the wheel. I told my guys that I didn’t care what size the furnace was, we had to bring in more air using big returns with inside/outside radiuses. No more vertical filters. They were all to be installed horizontally. We must give every furnace ALL THE AIR IT WANTS.’
‘That’s one of our biggest secrets,’ he concludes. ‘I think contractors should focus on doing things right for customers at all times. The key to this is communications and relationship building. Will you always get it right? No. But you must learn from your mistakes and always move forward.’
It is for these and many other reasons that High-Performance HVAC Today is pleased to add Viccarone Heating to our list of Contractor Spotlights. Congratulations.
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