The point is that by putting on their Sherlock Holmes hat, investigating visually, interviewing the customer, and properly testing, the contractor discovered the real source of the problem and could offer the homeowners advice on how to stay safe.

There was a time in this country when plumbers were viewed as equally important as lawyers or doctors. The motto of the plumbing industry was and still is “Protecting the Health of the Nation.”

It was because their job was to prevent illness from sewer gas and other nasty things impacting water systems.

I think that the HVAC industry needs to pick up that model. Plumbers and HVAC contractors are the first line of defense. I don’t care if you’re just there to change the air filter on the furnace. You need to look around to see what’s happening in the house. I would rather HVAC guys be the ounce of prevention rather than the pound of cure.

The fact is, once anyone from your company touches any HVAC equipment, you own it. You are responsible for it. You can make all the difference.

These are my tales from the basement. They are a sample of the state of our industry today. I think that High-Performance HVAC™ contractors can lead the charge to change things.

This fact is the key reason why it’s so important technicians understand the equipment, how it works ALONG WITH how the duct system and house interact with it.

They must also understand their vital importance for the well-being of their customers. Again, as HVAC and plumbing contractors, we are the most essential contractors who walk into a person’s house. Our industries’ mission is indeed to protect the health of the nation. This should be one of the most important and widespread true tales from the basement today.

Mark Hunt began working in the PHVAC industry in 1983 as an installation technician in residential new construction. Eventually, he worked with several manufacturers, training contractors, and engineers. Hunt joined National Comfort Institute in 2023 as an instructor. He can be reached at with any questions or comments.