The TrueFlow grid is inserted into the filter slot to prepare for an airflow measurement (See picture below).

Equipment Improvements:

  • Rework filter system to reduce filter pressure drop
  • Provide basic system cleaning – blower and coil (coil in place)
  • Test, adjust, and set fan speed
  • Re-adjust refrigerant charge
  • Verify test-out static pressures and fan airflow.

Duct System Improvements:

  • Add one oversized return duct and grille from the return side of the equipment into a large open area of the home
  • Replace three or more six-inch supply ducts with eight inches, or add new supply ducts with balancing dampers as needed
  • Seal duct leakage to reduce airflow loss
  • Add required strapping to support the duct system
  • Replace restrictive duct fittings and transitions.

Using the Air Upgrade™ Price Calculator that NCI provides in its Airflow Testing and Diagnostics class, technicians or comfort advisors can quickly price the job using customized inputs for material, labor costs, and desired profit margins.

The AirMaxx™ report, the scope of work, and the pricing provide all that’s needed for what may be the most professional and informed bid the customer has ever seen for HVAC work.

3Execute and Verify: Your installation and renovation techs perform the work and test out the system with either the TEC or mQ apps, proving performance on the spot and ensuring the customer they received what they paid for.

Based on the work you’ve performed it’s very likely they’ll experience immediate improvements in comfort along with reductions in their utility bills. You can bet they’ll tell their friends and colleagues how it happened.

To start reaping the rewards of Air Upgrades in your company, visit NCI’s website and sign up for the next Airflow Testing and Diagnostic class coming to your area or being held live online today. You can also download the TEC and mQ apps to try out and see what you might be missing.

I believe investing in tools and training for static pressure and airflow-focused diagnostics is the key to solving many of the issues plaguing the HVAC industry today.

This new partnership with TEC and mQ brings together the best in tools, training, and software to make Air Upgrades not just a viable, but a critical step for all HVAC companies who want to succeed.

Is it better to move the highest number of boxes or to have the highest number of satisfied customers? Drop me an email or leave a comment to let me know what you think.

Ben Lipscomb, P.E. has more than 16 years of experience in the HVAC industry, including laboratory and field research, Design/Build contracting, and utility energy efficiency program design. He is National Comfort Institute’s director of engineering and utility programs and may be contacted at