If you’re a regular reader of High-Performance HVAC Today, you know most HVAC systems suffer from poor airflow along with high static pressure. Many contractors panic when they first learn about this widespread issue and what it would mean to rip out every duct system and start over.

Ben Lipscomb, P.E.

How many of your customers will want to invest in an upgraded duct system when they’re also likely facing an expensive equipment repair or replacement?

Fortunately, there’s another solution that lets you easily identify the primary causes of high static pressure and low airflow. Then, you can recommend targeted repairs to address issues. This solution is providing customers with air upgrades.

Proving Air Upgrades using NCI AirMaxx™ Workflows in the mQ® (left) and TrueFlow® (right) apps.
NCI AirMaxx™ Workflows in the mQ® (left)
and TrueFlow® (right) apps.

These repairs focus on the most accessible and impactful opportunities to streamline the job for relatively minimal material and labor costs.

You can also demonstrate the value of air upgrade repairs to your customers through measurement before and after the job is complete. This combination allows you to charge a fair price for the value you’re providing a profit margin that will help your company survive and thrive.

The NCI (National Comfort Institute) Air Upgrade™ process does just this. It provides additional revenue on a typical job ranging from $2000 to $3000 at a gross profit margin in the 60% to 70% range. The best part is static pressure and airflow issues are so prevalent that you could be adding this high-profit revenue stream to most of your equipment repair and replacement jobs.

You’ll serve your customers well and give them the comfort and peace of mind that has eluded them for years.

Plus, you will simultaneously strengthen your business and give your technicians and salespeople a source of pride in their work.

Air Upgrades are a win-win-win, and those types of opportunities don’t come along often. Because Air Upgrades™ reduce expensive callbacks and complaints, your customers actually receive what they were promised!