“More than just members and customers, you are the heart and soul of this great NCI family,” he continued.
“Your success is what keeps us going. And we feel so blessed that you’ve chosen to become part of this caring group that continues to selflessly share what is working for you and mentor each other.”
This year’s awards were presented to the following:

- Small Contractor of the Year — Southeast Clean Air Solutions, Henrico, VA
- Medium Contractor of the Year — Cole Air, Lake Charles, LA
- Large Contractor of the Year — Worley’s Home Services, Yorktown, VA
- John Garofalo Implementation Excellence Award — Vincent’s Heating & Plumbing, Port Huron, MI
- Jim Davis Technical Excellence Award — Henry Sterling of DiMarco & Associates, Chagrin Falls, OH
- Rob Falke Servant Leadership Award — John Boylan, Lakeside Service Co., Brighton, MI
- Scott Johnson Training Excellence Award — Davis Services, Spartanburg, SC
- Spirit of Excellence Award — Tom Johnson, TM Johnson Brothers, Grandy, MN
- Sales Excellence Award — Hunter Wallace, Progressive Heating & Air, Newnan, GA
- Vendor Partner of the Year Award — The Energy Conservatory, Oakdale, MN
- The NCI 2024 Chairman’s Award — Nancy McKeraghan, Canco ClimateCare, Newmarket, Ontario, Canada.
More details on each of these awards can be found on our website at ncilink.com/2024SummitAwards.
David Debien Award Renamed
For 17 years the Technical Excellence Award was named for David Debien, an HVAC contractor from Houston, TX who resisted popular industry trends with regard to high SEER cooling systems — in his climate, they simply didn’t work.
Instead, he designed and built his own custom systems to handle the Houston area humidity. Then his team tested and verified their operation. His dedication to advancing the industry and questioning popular trends embodied the heart and soul of this award.
But this year it was time for a change. Says David Richardson, NCI’s vice president of curriculum development and the very first Debien Award recipient, “For Summit 2024 and beyond, we decided to rename this award in honor of another industry pioneer, our very own Jim Davis, a man who has saved more lives than we’ll ever know.
“Jim is the pioneer and daddy of modern day carbon monoxide and combustion safety training. In his honor, the David Debien Technical Excellence Award is now the Jim Davis Technical Excellence Award.”
Congratulations to all of this year’s winners.
Next Year in Austin, TX
Mark your calendars for the High-Performance HVAC Summit 2025. It will be held in Austin, TX, from September 9th through the 12th. We will have more information posted on GoToSummit.com.
Stay tuned for more information on pricing and registration.
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