NCI‘s 19th Annual Summit is back better than ever and in-person this year! The industry’s one and only High-Performance HVAC annual conference will unfold in beautiful Branson, Missouri, from August 30th to September 2nd. And we are rolling out a brand-new approach in response to your input.
Summit 2021’s theme this year is This Time It’s Personal. It describes how each attendee can personalize their Summit experience by choosing from three levels – Novice, Practitioner, or Mastery. Now you can pick and choose just the right level for you in each of the conference’s six main breakout sessions!
Five Reasons for Registering
Regular conference-goers know there is so much more to Summit, and there are dozens of reasons they attend each year. Here are just 10 great reasons why Summit may just be the best industry meeting you will attend this year:
10. Numerous Special Events and General Sessions, starting with our Monday evening Welcome Reception sponsored by Goodman/Amana. These fun, highly interactive events provide tons of opportunities to learn together as a group. You also learn by sharing experiences and knowledge in a casual and entertaining environment.
9. High-Performance Town is back! Each hands-on station is uniquely designed to challenge everyone, from novices to experts. NCI instructors will guide you as you learn effective testing and diagnostic techniques and approaches.
8. Summit 2021’s unique Partner Tradeshow is set up in the general session ballroom. This allows maximum interaction between NCI partners and vendors ‘ not just during exhibit hours, but throughout each meal, break, and social event.

7. In two Bonus workshop session blocks, NCI partners will provide education focused on helping your company grow and prosper.
6. Our long-standing traditional High-Performance Idea Meeting is a great place to explore and share successful ideas that can help you market and sell High-Performance HVAC service and replacement.
FIve More Reasons to Register
5. Pre-conference Events include full-day classes where you can recertify your air-side or CO & Combustion certification. You can also earn CEUs for NATE, BPI, and state licensing. Be sure to check out Goodman’s Inverter Day. This is an all-day training event focused on marketing, selling, and delivering high-end inverter systems.
4. NCI’s Reach for the Summit 2021 Interactive Game Show is a fun and educational session where contestants compete for prizes and bragging rights. Want to be a contestant this year? Once you register for Summit, you’ll be able to throw your hat in the ring.
3. NCI’s Summit 2021 Awards Banquet is a gala event like no other where you can help honor the best-of-the-best. Who knows? Maybe you will be on stage this year!
2. Whether you are an owner, manager, salesperson, customer service rep, technician, or installer, we have a choice of 18 Summit 2021 Workshops at just the right level to help you supercharge your high-performance success.
1. According to repeat attendees, the biggest benefit of Summit is the Camaraderie and Relationships that are forged and deepened each year between High-Performance contractors across North America.
There are more reasons why Summit 2021 is the best educational investment you can make in 2021.
Never been to a Summit? Give NCI a call. We will connect you with a fellow contractor who will share why they hardly ever miss this one-of-a-kind industry event.
To learn more about Summit and enroll your team today at special Early-Bird rates, just point your browser to
Can’t wait to see you at Summit this year!
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