We also strongly recommend that your test-out technicians have an NCI Residential Air Balancing certification, so they know how to balance HVAC systems properly using NCI protocols.
To learn more and enroll in the program, go to NCICertified.net or go directly to our Online Application. We spell out all of the qualifications and requirements here.
Once your application is approved, you will be able to purchase access to ComfortMaxx Verify in the cloud, and you can also acquire your first certification packets.
The Training Aspect
NCI provides online training to participants and their employees included in the program at no additional cost. We also have a consumer website designed to help educate your customers about the benefits of Certified System Performance. Just point your browser to NCICertified.com.
To learn more about NCI Certified System Performance, go to NCICertified.net or contact us at 800-633-7058. A customer care representative can walk you through the process.

This article was coauthored by Ben Lipscomb, P.E. and Dominick Guarino.
Ben Lipscomb has more than 16 years of experience in the HVAC industry, including laboratory and field research, Design/Build contracting, and utility energy efficiency program design. He is National Comfort Institute’s director of engineering and utility programs and may be contacted at ncilink.com/ContactMe.
Dominick Guarino is the chairman and CEO of National Comfort Institute, Inc. (NCI) – a national training and certification organization he co-founded with Rob Falke in 1994. NCI has also grown into a premier membership organization focused on every aspect of helping HVAC contractors. He can be reached at ncilink.com/ContactMe.
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