“This content has gained a lot of momentum and has been well-received by our contractors and distributors,” he adds.

Arzel’s technical support team, which is comprised of field-trained veterans, has always provided excellent help to their contractor customers.

“Our technical support team, all field-trained veterans, provides direct assistance for installation or service issues,” Barton states. “They can even use video chat to help diagnose problems. This rapid, knowledgeable support has been a significant differentiator for us.”

The company’s strong emphasis on customer support extends to system design and custom applications. “We get a lot of those,” Barton says, emphasizing the importance of helping contractors with unique challenges.

Arzel’s strategic partnerships, particularly with organizations like National Comfort Institute (NCI), according to Barton, have been instrumental in helping the organization to maintain their market position.

“Our partnership with NCI and their High-Performance HVAC™ contractors is crucial,” he notes. “These contractors are knowledgeable, professional, and committed to excellence. They don’t just install equipment; they test, measure, and fix underlying issues. This alignment with our values enhances our market position and drives our success.”

Barton recalls a memorable experience with one NCI-trained contractor who reaffirmed his commitment to the system approach that NCI teaches:

“During an NCI Summit a few years ago, one of NCI’s members, a contractor named Vince DiFilippo, did a workshop on how to make duct systems work right using zones. He mentioned no product brands, but his slides featured Arzel products.

“My tradeshow booth became flooded with contractors eager to learn more.”

Ken Barton emphasizes the dynamic nature of the HVAC industry, where technological advancements and market shifts are constant.

“We’re in exciting times with rapid technological advancements,” he says. “Arzel is working on new products all the time, and while I can’t share any specifics, we think our next generation of controls is going to be very exciting.”

There are still ongoing challenges left over from the pandemic years. Barton mentions the biggest remains supply chain issues, with the addition of regulatory changes.

“Supply chain issues continue to crop up, but we’ve built a surplus stock to navigate these challenges,” he explains.

“Regulations are also a moving target, so we stay active with ACCA and AHRI, our voices on Capitol Hill. These organizations help us stay ahead of regulatory changes and industry developments.”