After the problem is fixed, as a homeowner I want the tech to explain to me in detail what was done and why. I would be receptive at this point to listen about any other borderline issues that could cause another breakdown.

This is a huge opportunity to deepen trust and educate your customer about their system, and to discuss any comfort, air quality, or high bill issues.

Sound like a lot for a service tech trying to run eight to 10 calls a day? You’re right, it is. If this approach is done properly your techs should not run more than four to five service calls in a day – sometimes three to four.

The upside is this extra time spent on each call will generate more service work and leads for replacements and system renovations that far outweigh the extra effort.

Finally, I expect my technician to leave on a positive note. They score extra points if they reassure me that the work they performed was guaranteed, and to call if the issue started again, or if I had any other problems.

This is a great time for your tech to ask for a review on social media — you have that set up, right?

They should explain that a big part of their performance review is based on this feedback. As a homeowner, this gives me reassurance that the tech is confident they did the right thing.