< PreviousMAINTAINING OUR INTEGRITY AND CULTURE I want to continue build on the in- tegrity and morals established by my late grandfather and father. My grandfather always told me “if you loose your integrity, you’ve lost everything.” I understand the importance of our company culture and we are invest- ing in the company to scale up while maintaining our core values. This ap- proach helps us to continue providing high-quality solutions and maintain the trust of our customers. The world of IAQ has been both challenging and rewarding. By collab- orating with environmentalists and mold remediation experts, we’ve tack- led complex IAQ issues and provided healthier living environments for our clients. Our data-driven approach and focus on proper duct sizing, filtration, and fresh air makeup sets us apart in our marketplace. The satisfaction of seeing customers overcome health issues based on rec- ommendations and the work we per- form is priceless. Knowing that we’ve made a positive impact on their lives is what drives me every day. CUSTOMER SERVICE and now have the opportunity to bring on new personnel, including a full installation crew and an HVAC / plumbing manager. This allows us to bring on other new personnel, especially since we are look- ing to open a plumbing division. This growth lets me focus more on sales and consulting, offering our IAQ solutions even on a smaller scale. For example, we are working in a new subdivision with homes priced between $2 and $3 million. Despite their high price tags, these homes suf- fer from undersized duct systems and other HVAC issues. By running measureQuick tests, we can identify and fix these problems, ensuring the systems perform as they should. Nathan Copeland has been a seasoned HVAC technician / comfort advi- sor for nearly 25 years. He has held NCI’s certification in carbon monoxide and combustion for 20 years and is certified in air balancing. To learn more about this IAQ program, you can reach him at ncilink.com/ContactMe. 20 OCTOBER 2024HIGH-PERFORMANCE HVAC TODAY22 OCTOBER 2024HIGH-PERFORMANCE HVAC TODAYcompetitors in general, but also outper- fom attendees’ own sales and profits. If you were unable to attend Summit in September, stay tuned. We will have a complete rundown in the November 2024 issue of this magazine. Contractor Recognition at Summit 2024 One of the most popular traditions at National Comfort Institute’s High-Per- formance HVAC Summit is recognizing members who are, as CEO Dominick Guarino describes, “shining stars that truly are the heart and soul of the NCI family.” These contractors are committed to the High-Performance HVAC approach and are recognized so others can learn and follow their examples. This year’s winners are as follows: z Small Contractor of the Year — Southeast Clean Air Solutions, Henri- co, VA z Medium Contractor of the Year — Cole Air, Lake Charles, LA z Large Contractor of the Year — Wor- ley’s Home Services, Yorktown, VA z John Garofalo Implementation Ex- cellence Award — Vincent’s Heating & Plumbing, Port Huron, MI z Jim Davis Technical Excellence Award — Henry Sterling of DiMarco & Associates, Chagrin Falls OH z Rob Falke Servant Leadership Award — John Boylan, Lakeside Ser- vice Co. , Brighton, MI z Scott Johnson Training Excellence Award — Davis Services, Spartan- burg, SC z Spirit of Excellence Award — Tom Johnson, TM Johnson Brothers, Cam- bridge, MN z Sales Excellence Award — Hunt- er Wallace, Progressive Heating & Air, Newnan, GA z Vendor Partner of the Year Award — The Energy Conservatory, Minneapo- lis, MN z The NCI 2024 Chairman’s Award — Nancy McKeraghan, Canco Climate- Care, Newmarket, Ontario Canada. Congratulations to all of our winners. Be sure to read more details about these awards in the November issue of this magazine. Hold the Date! Summit 2025 Announcement Yes, Summit 2024 is in the books, but wait, there is more! National Comfort Institute’s 22nd An- nual High-Perfor- mance HVAC Sum- mit 2025 will be held in Austin, TX, at the Kalahari Resort from September 9th to 12th, 2025. Registration for this event will be open soon. Stand by for more details and be sure to put this on your calendar today. Be sure to check the Summit website at gotosummit.com for more details as they become available. NCI Summit 2024 Breaks Records! The 2024 High-Performance HVAC Summit is in the books as having bro- ken the all-time attendance record. More than 200 contractors and vendors flocked to Asheville, NC to learn more about the opportunities afforded them by the high-performance process. Furthermore, this year’s Summit was attended by the most first time attend- ees than ever before. And finally, Summit 2024 wel- comed industry influencers to their first High-Performance HVAC conference. In fact, these influencers were part of a se- ries of first-time events: live podcasts di- rect from the conference headquarters in the Asheville Crowne Plaza. Podcasters interviewed a series of other industry influencers including: z John Ellis from Dynamic Air Consulting Services z Louise Keller of UEI z Jim Bergman from measureQuick z Brian Orr from Kalos Services z Steve Rogers from The Energy Conser- vatory and others. This year’s theme was “OUTPERFORM!” with all workshops and sessions focused on helping contractors to outperform NCI UPDATE HVAC SUMMIT 2025 HIGH-PERFORMANCE OCTOBER 2024 23HVACTODAY.COMHVAC SMART MART 24 OCTOBER 2024HIGH-PERFORMANCE HVAC TODAYAD INDEX Publisher Dominick Guarino Editor-in-Chief Mike Weil Art Director Judy Marquardt Online Development Director Brian Roseman Circulation Manager Andrea Begany-Garsed To Subscribe to High-Performance HVAC Today: ONLINE: Visit HVACToday.com/subscribe for a FREE digital subscription. PRINT: 1 year/$72; single copy $7. Canada: 1 year/$92; single copy $9. Payable in advance with U.S. funds. Prepaid subscriptions may be sent to: High-Performance HVAC Today, PO Box 2053, Morristown,TN 37816. Phone toll free: 800-633-7058; or visit HVACTo- day.com/subscribe to order online. Go to ncilink.com/ContactMe with your comments and questions. Advertiser Index AHR Expo | www.AHRExpo.com ................................................................................................... 9 Arzel Zoning Technology, Inc. | www.ArzelZoning.com .................................................... 15 Baker Distributing Company | www.BakerDist.com ........................................................... 24 Daikin Comfort Technologies North America, Inc. | www.northamerica-daikin.com ... 5 Duct Saddles | www.DuctSaddles.com ..................................................................................... 20 Evergreen Telemetry | www.EvergreenTelemetry.com ........................................................ 2 Lazco Corporation | www.Lazcocorp.com ............................................................................. 25 R.E. Michel Company | www.REMichel.com ............................................................................ 8 Sauermann | www.sauermanngroup.com ............................................................................ 22 TEC (The Energy Conservatory) | www.energyconservatory.com ............................... 15 To Your Success | www.ToYourSuccess.com .......................................................................... 24 Tru Tech Tools | www.TruTechTools.com ............................................................................16, 24 OCTOBER 2024 25HVACTODAY.COMONE MORE THING... By Dominick Guarino zHVAC School – Live w/ Jim Bergmann from NCI Summit: ncilink.com/HVAC- School1 z HVAC Grapevine – Carbon Monoxide Stories at NCI Summit (Audio only): ncilink.com/Grapevine2 z HVAC Grapevine – Episode 72 Blower door Testing w/ Steve Rogers from TEC: ncilink.com/Grapevine3 zHVAC Building Science Podcast – Live from NCI Summit (Paul Weibolt): ncil- ink.com/BldgSci zNCI Summit 2024 w/ John Ellis and Lou- is Kellar: ncilink.com/JEllisLKellar Another Summit highlight was our 21st An- nual NCI Awards honoring a number of com- panies and individuals who represent the best of the best in High-Performance HVAC. KEEPING THE VIBE ALIVE UNTIL NCI SUMMIT 2025! NCI is launching a new online group coaching pro- gram this November to “Keep the Vibe Alive” fol- lowed by Summit 2025 in Austin Texas. This new 10-part series, called “Path to Per- formance Coaching,” will be available first to this year’s Summit participants, then it will be opened to all NCI members and students based on space availability. If the group gets too large we’ll add a second one so that the sessions can be truly interactive. Stay tuned for info on the ten monthly sessions. Be sure to mark your calendar for the High-Performance HVAC Summit in Aus- tin, Texas September 9-12, 2025. Registra- tion will be open soon! A nother High-Performance HVAC Summit is in the books. This year was possibly one of the best Summits ever! It was certainly the largest, topping 200+ attendees in Asheville, NC. What made Summit 2024 a little different was a palpable vibe of excitement. There was a gener- al confidence among attendees that this approach is completely doable, and it is truly differentiating their companies. It was also awesome to see a new crop of attend- ees — who made up roughly 30% of the total — that are just now dipping their toes in the High-Perfor- mance HVAC pool. Based on attendee feedback, the sessions were right on target, each aimed at a different compo- nent of implementing this unique approach. Our hands-on PerformanceTown sessions were also a huge hit. With five sessions, virtually everyone could experience NCI’s latest diagnostic approaches using tools like TEC’s Trueflow Grid and the measureQuick application. INCREDIBLE PODCASTS AND STREAMING Equally exciting was the number of podcasts, YouTube videos, and live streams produced at Summit in our new podcast booth. NCI’s Adam Mufich coordinated seven different groups who either recorded or broadcasted live from Summit. Here are just some of the videos available on Facebook and YouTube: zAnti DIY HVAC – Ted Cook at the NCI Summit: ncilink.com/NoDIYHVAC zHVAC Grapevine – NCI Summit (w/ Tim DeStassio and Zachary Ortwine): ncil- ink.com/Grapevine1 zMisfits of HVAC – Episode 70 (w/ Da- vid Richardson and Adam Mufich) (Tim Destassio and Jim Bergmann): ncilink. com/Misfits1 26 OCTOBER 2024HIGH-PERFORMANCE HVAC TODAY A New Vibe at the High-Performance HVAC™ Summit 2024! Dominick Guarino is publisher of High-Performance HVAC Today magazine and CEO of National Comfort Institute, Inc. He can be reached at ncilink.com/ ContactMe . HVAC SUMMIT 2025 HIGH-PERFORMANCENext >