hvactoday.com JUNE 2024 HIGH-PERFORMANCE HVAC TODAY TM If You Don’t Measure, You’re Just Guessing! ™ 2024 INDUSTRY INFLUENCERS ALSO IN THIS ISSUE: • Recruiting HVAC Technicians: Strategies for Success • 2024 NCI Summit: Learn + Differentiate + Succeed • Mastering Search Engine Optimization Vince DiFilippo DiFilippo’s Service Co. Eric Kjelshus Energy Heating & Cooling Bill Spohn TruTech Tools, LTD Greg Wallace Progressive Heating, Air & PlumbingJUNE 2024 3HVACTODAY.COM DEPARTMENTS Today’s Word .........................................................................................4 High-Performance Products .............................................................5 NCI Update .........................................................................................27 HVAC Smart Mart ...............................................................................28 Ad Index ................................................................................................29 One More Thing ................................................................................30 JUNE 2024 VOLUME 8 NUMBER 6 HIGH-PERFORMANCE HVAC TODAY TM COVER STORY: Welcome to the Class of 2024 HVAC Industry Influencers Meet this year’s class of people who have put their stamp on the High-Performance HVAC Industry. 10 6 MANAGEMENT: Recruiting HVAC Technicians Five High-Performance HVAC™ contractors share the truths of how they find, hire, and train people to provide customers the highest level of service and care. SUMMIT 2024: Opportunity is to Learn-Differentiate- Succeed NCI’s High-Performance HVAC Summit is coming. Here is a preview of what to expect. 15 MARKETING: Mastering Search Engine Optimization Build your brand and business by learning the basics of achieving top Internet search results. 234 JUNE 2024HIGH-PERFORMANCE HVAC TODAY front of these changes, continuously adapting to new tools and methods to improve service and sustainability. LET’S RECOGNIZE OUR TECHNICIANS So, National HVAC Technician Day is an op- portunity to recognize the dedication and skill of these HVAC professionals. From my perspec- tive, it is also a time to recognize the importance of your investment in training your technician team and providing them with the tools and in- struments they need to do their work. For our High-Performance HVAC™ contrac- tor readers, we want to recognize how you help your techs understand that their roles go beyond installing systems and fixing broken equipment. You teach and guide them through testing and measuring entire HVAC systems – not just equip - ment. Your influence as a company leader and manager helps drive technicians to excellence. INFLUENCERS WHO MAKE A DIFFERENCE In this issue, we focus on people who in- fluence not only their technicians and cus - tomers daily but also the direction of the en- tire HVAC Industry. Our High-Performance HVAC Influencers article is on page 10 and online at ncilink.com/2024Infuencers . In addition, Dominick Guarino’s One More Thing column this month focuses on what it takes to create the ideal service technician. Read it on page 30 or online at ncilink.com/JuneOMT . National HVAC Technician Day is a time to cel- ebrate these hard-working professionals. It’s im- portant to remember and appreciate the skilled technicians behind all of our comforts. Their ex- pertise, dedication, and resilience make them modern heroes. D id you know that since 2016, on June 22nd, the United States celebrates National HVAC Technician Day? This day is dedicated to recognizing the vital work of HVAC technicians. I didn’t. But I recently learned about this day, and it makes all kinds of sense. June 22nd was chosen to honor our field ser - vice and installation technicians because it marks the start of the summer cooling season and serves as a reminder of their importance. Sadly, most people don’t recognize this fact un- til their air conditioning systems fail. Our techni- cians are the unsung heroes whose work and ded- ication are felt by nearly every person living in the U.S. every day. Not only do they work in some of the most ungodly conditions to ensure their customers’ homes, offices, and public spaces remain com- fortable throughout the year, regardless of the outdoor weather, but they also commit to profes- sionalism by undergoing extensive training. Furthermore, with growing concerns about cli- mate change and energy consumption, the role of HVAC technicians is more critical than ever. Think about how they are key players in reducing carbon footprints and promoting green building practices. As technology advances, the industry contin- ues to evolve. Systems are becoming more ener- gy-efficient and environmentally friendly, using smart technologies for better control and mon- itoring. Our HVAC technicians are at the fore- Celebrating the Unsung Heroes of the HVAC Industry NATIONAL HVAC TECHNICIAN DAY IS AN OPPORTUNITY TO RECOGNIZE THE DEDICATION AND SKILLS OF THESE PROFESSIONALS. TODAY’S WORD By Mike Weil Mike Weil is editor- in-chief and director of communications and publications at National Comfort Institute, Inc. Contact him at ncilink. com/ContactMe.HVACTODAY.COMJUNE 2024 5HVACTODAY.COM uses the DG-8’s Bluetooth feature to leave the manometer in one location and see measurements on your smartphone or tablet. TEC Gauge is available at the Apple App and Google Play stores. Your pressure testing is more flexi- ble with the DG-8 and TEC Gauge. You can see real-time static pressure chang- es at the equipment when adjusting to wall-mounted controllers. Since the gauge measures in pascals, you can also test room pressure imbal- ances and use the included Roomulator to determine relief opening sizes. Finally, the DG-8 is one of the few manometers capable of draft pressure testing. You can see pressure changes in the palm of your hand when changing interior door positions or turning on various fans for draft interference and worst-case depressurization testing. The second DG-8 app is TrueFlow (also available in the Apple App and Google Play stores). It pairs with a Dig- ital TrueFlow Grid (sold separately or as a kit) to measure fan airflow. This combi- nation removes all doubt and confusion from airflow testing. It makes the process simple and quick, so it’s ideal for selling technicians or salespeople educating homeowners about their duct systems. If you want to learn more about the TEC’s DG-8, go to ncilink.com/DG8. — By David Richardson, VP of Training, National Comfort Institute TEC DG-8 HIGH-PRECISION MANOMETER Not all manometers are equal. Anyone who has questioned their pressure mea- surements knows what I’m talking about. If you’re looking for a different option, check out the DG-8 high-precision ma- nometer from The Energy Conservato- ry (TEC) . You can choose either inches of water column (in. w.c.) or pascals (Pa) as measurement units. Besides unbeatable accuracy, the DG-8 is simple, with only two buttons and a large backlit display. The DG-8 kit includes two lengths of tubing, a static pressure tip, a USB-C charger, and a Roomulator™ card in a durable ballistic nylon case. One of the DG-8’s best features isn’t in- side the kit. It’s the accompanying mo- bile apps. The first is TEC Gauge , which Written for HVAC Professionals by HVAC Professionals HIGH-PERFORMANCE PRODUCT REVIEWof business just as is pursuing customers. We must continual- ly foster growth and direction to improve employee skills and maintain a sense of accomplish- ment and desire.” With this in mind, here are some tips that Jose, Butch, and others say help them to win the recruitment game. DEVELOP A STRONG EMPLOYER BRAND The contractors we spoke to say building a rep- utable employer brand is essential for attracting top talent in the HVAC industry. By showcasing your company’s commitment to employee devel- opment, safety standards, competitive compen- sation packages, and positive work culture, you may find top-level technicians approaching you. “We ask all technician can- didates what brought them to our company,” says Greg Wal- lace of Progressive Heating, Air, and Plumbing , Noonan, GA. “They almost always talk about how great our online rep- utation is. As a matter of fact, one of our techni- cians — who eventually became our service man- ager — came to us because of our online reviews. He was new to our area and thought it was best to research feedback on companies before choosing where to apply.” Online reputation refers to customer re- views and stories about your company, people, and service. Wallace and Montes say they use so- cial media, their company websites, and online job platforms to highlight customer AND em- ployee testimonials, success stories, and career advancement opportunities. T he HVAC industry plays a vital role in ensuring comfortable indoor envi- ronments, making the recruitment of skilled service and installation techni- cians essential. Recruiting and retaining top- notch technicians is especially true for those firms that practice a system-performance approach to HVAC contracting. However, recruiting top-tier talent and retain- ing them can be difficult. With that in mind, we spoke to several High-Performance HVAC™ con- tractors to determine how they address these challenges. Ultimately, they all agree that success requires HVAC contractors to develop and im - plement effective strategies to attract and retain skilled technicians. They also say that recruiting is not a one-and- done project: it must be an active and ongo- ing process that starts with some basics, such as crafting clear job descriptions that outline the re- sponsibilities, qualifications, and expectations for the role. Jose Montes of Kennihan Plumbing and Heating in Valencia, PA, says they use a third-party recruiting firm to help. “We use Hire Dimensions and have job postings running all year long. Even when we are not looking, we con- duct interviews to establish rapport with potential- ly good candidates who we can go back to when the need arises,” he says. Many such third-party firms can help you at - tract technician candidates and screen them. Butch Mellot from, ComfortMaster Inc. , Nicholasville, KY, concurs. He says, “Employ- ee recruitment and retention is a continual part Recruiting HVAC Technicians: Strategies for Success By Mike Weil MANAGEMENT 6 JUNE 2024HIGH-PERFORMANCE HVAC TODAYHe adds that they offer HVAC sys - tem performance training through National Comfort Institute (NCI) and other training through local dis- tributors on new products and emerg- ing technologies. Progressive’s Greg Wallace says, “We believe that training is one of the best ways to invest in our team. Train- ing allows us to provide more value and expertise to our customers. Po - tential recruits are motivated by the training we discuss – from technical to soft skills, to business in some cases.” T.E. Spall and Son in Carbondale, PA, owner Tom Spall says that they mar- ket training as part of their entire package, including benefits. He says reputation plays a big part in why potential employees seek out his company. “Training is so important to us,” he explains. “We have a collaborative re - lationship with our local high school and career technology center (to pro- mote hands-on careers within the high school environment) and several local trade colleges. “We work with them to help en- hance their programs by participat- ing in their program advisory com- mittee and assisting with training on specific topics such as air distribution and combustion testing. We also host classes for training sessions in our training center!” Spall says this approach really hooks younger people. “We interview candidates in our training center. It screams opportuni- ty and pride in our craft.” FOSTER A POSITIVE WORK ENVIRONMENT Creating a positive work environ- ment is part of building a solid reputa- tion among potential technicians and other job candidates. Experts in business management say this is essential for employee sat- isfaction and retention. For example, according to the In- deed website , employers should encourage open communication, rec- ognize and reward employee achieve- This is all part of building a brand. However, brand building also re- quires competitive compensation and benefits. Competitive compensation packag- es help attract skilled technicians. Ac- cording to Butch Mellot, having good packages that offer not only salary but benefits such as health insurance, re- tirement plans, paid time off, and op - portunities for overtime and bonuses will incentivize top performers. COMPREHENSIVE TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMS Most High-Performance HVAC con- tractors understand the importance of investing in employee train- ing and development as part of their brand. Training not only enhanc- es technician skills but also increases their loyalty. At Kennihan Plumbing and Heat- ing, training is a requirement for ca- reer advancement. “If a technician wants to head in a certain direction, we set out the training necessary to help them develop and grow along that path,” Montes says. JUNE 2024 7HVACTODAY.COMway. We’ve created many jobs for the right people,” he adds. For Butch Mellot and the team at ComfortMaster, they market jobs and careers using websites like Indeed but also seek candidates at their local school. Mellot also uses social media chan- nels (primarily Facebook), employ- ee referrals, and alternate television marketing spots promoting career opportunities. “We believe the holistic approach works best for us,” says Wallace. “Our team is a melting pot of people of all ages and skill levels. It takes a wide reach to meet people where they are. So whether they are directly looking for a job, or they see our advertise- ment by scrolling through their feed, we cast the widest net possible in our local area.” OFFER OPPORTUNITIES FOR ADVANCEMENT Some might say that in this day and age, career opportunities are a no-brainer. But it is amazing how the value of your experience, and let them know if you would recommend something. USE TARGETED RECRUITMENT STRATEGIES So, exactly how do these High-Performance HVAC con- tracts attract qualified candidates? They use what is known as “targeted recruitment strategies.” At T.E. Spall & Son, these strategies include the following: z Job postings on online and of- fline job boards z Career spot on their company website z Social media promotions and announcements z Employee referrals z Networking at industry events (local, regional, and national) z Trade schools and/or appren- ticeship programs z Career/job fairs. “We sometimes use recruiting agen- cies as well,” Spall adds. Greg Wallace at Progressive says they also use online job post- ings and a ro- tating spot on their “Now Hir- ing” website page. “If we do not currently have a job open that they qualify for, we still wel- come them to fill out an ap - plication, and we will inter- view them any- ments, and provide opportunities for career advancement within the com- pany. Additionally, they should pri- oritize work-life balance by offering flexible scheduling options and pro- moting a supportive team culture. Jose Montes says the Kennihan Plumbing and Heating culture can be summed up by what they call “ The Kennihan Way .” The Kennihan Way is a value state- ment by which their team lives. It states: z Be a POSITIVE influence with fel - low employees and customers z SAFETY is critical—both for you and your customers z Take PRIDE in your work—main- tain a “service” mentality z DO A COMPLETE JOB — solve the customer’s problem, listen to their concerns, recognize opportu- nity, and complete all paperwork z RESPECT the customer’s home and property z Continuous EDUCATION is essen- tial for professional growth z Dress appropriately — CLEAN UNI- FORMS — shirts, hats, and belts z MAINTAIN trucks, materials, equipment, inventory, and the cus - tomer’s house as if they belong to you z Always act as if you were in your GRANDMOTHER’S house. Cus- tomers don’t get professionals in their houses every day. Give them MANAGEMENT 8 JUNE 2024HIGH-PERFORMANCE HVAC TODAYMANAGEMENT of offering mentorship programs, leadership development courses, and cross-training opportunities to help technicians advance their careers within the organization. By implementing these strategies, High-Performance HVAC contrac- tors can effectively recruit and retain skilled service and installation techni- cians, ensuring their businesses’ con- tinued success and growth. Investing in employee development, fostering a positive work environ- ment, and building a solid employee brand are vital components of a suc- cessful recruitment strategy. By at- tracting and retaining top talent, you can deliver exceptional customer ser- vice and maintain a competitive edge in the market. cations. Almost every person in our office has started in that entry-level position and moved up to fill positions such as sales and installation coordi- nator, service coordinator, etc.” Last month, in High-Perfor- mance HVAC Today , Lakeside Service General Manager John Boy- lan wrote an article on the importance of setting and following key performance indicators . He ex- plains the impor- tance of establishing performance metrics and goals to track employee progress and identify opportunities for promo- tion or specialized training. He also discussed the importance many contracting firms don’t have growth paths for their technicians. Wallace says that Progressive pro- vides clear pathways for career ad- vancement to motivate technicians to stay with their company long-term. “Installation and service both have five levels in their career path,” Wal- lace explains. “Each level describes the minimum skills required for that job and what they must master to reach the next level. Requirements include passing specific classes, training, and obtaining certifications that apply to their job. “The entry-level for our office is the CSR position. Once they master that through phone training and actions, we promote internally before open- ing a more advanced job up for appli- JUNE 2024 9HVACTODAY.COMNext >