< Previous30 MAY 2019HIGH-PERFORMANCE HVAC TODAYsessions. Each area is a key element to the successful implementation of High- Performance Contracting.Breaking the process down into these bite-size steps will help ensure your suc-cess without overwhelming you and your team.So, who are the coaches?David Holt, Director of Busi-ness Training and Coaching, National Comfort InstituteDavid Richardson, Curricu-lum Developer and Instructor, National Comfort Institute.There is special pricing for members like you, who can also apply their NCI bucks toward the cost.Go to ncilink.com/TrailBlazeReg to register today. Don’t waste another minute!!!Did You Know ...... that your membership gives you ac-cess to NCI’s extensive Online University? This is a virtual Performance-Based train-ing facility that is available to you online, 24/7/365. It provides advanced technical courses, business management courses, as well as courses focused on customer service training.NCI also has a series of webinars that are recorded and available. From own-ers and managers to office staff and field techs, you’ll find the training you need for every type of employee – at all learn-ing levels.Some benefits of this library of courses: z Reinforces in-person training, and can help prepare for in-person training z Enables you to train all of your employees - affordably z Gets your entire staff on the same page zSaves travel expenses z Supports your Performance-Based Contracting™ culture z Numerous courses qualify for NATE CEUsJust go to ncilink.com/OnlineU to see what is available, and get started today.Start Your Engines! Trailblazer Coaching Is Off to the Races!Ladies and gentlemen – it’s back, better than before because it was de-signed and tested by HVAC contractors who participated in the inaugural pro-gram launched last year. High-Perfor-mance Trailblazer Coaching 2019-2020 launched on May 1st.Trailblazer Coaching is the result of requests from many NCI Summit at-tendees who wished Summit was ongo-ing so they remain motivated to imple-ment what they learned after they got home. We listened and now bring you this service. For as little as $35 per month, you can participate in 12 monthly High- Performance Trailblazer Coaching ses-sions with fellow HVAC contractors from across the country!HERE’S HOW IT WORKSTrailblazing Coaching sessions are held on the first Friday of every month at 9 AM Eastern time. Each session is a highly interactive 45-minute web meet-ing, led by NCI coaches.Your first session includes a 30,000-foot overview of the entire coaching plan where you can ask questions and provide input on the areas where you might need the most help.In each of the next 10 sessions, your coaches will lead the group in a discus-sion on two of the steps on the Trailblaz-er Roadmap. During the final session, just before Summit 2020, you will review where you’ve been, discuss successes and failures along the way, and map out your game plan for the next 12 months.The map shown in the image (click to enlarge) illustrates the 20 areas that will be covered in the online coaching NCI MEMBER UPDATEMAY 2019 31HVACTODAY.COMPHOTO OF THE MONTH“What Do You Mean We’re Low on Airflow?” — Matthew Michel, Elite Balance, Suamico, WIAfter installing a new exhaust fan on an existing duct, this technician discovered some low airflow issues. After some investigation, he knew what was happpening. As he stated in his entry: “The picture is worth a thousand words!”Matthew Michel from Elite Balance is the May 2019 winner in the “Bad” category of our Photo-of-the-Month contest, as voted on by the subscribers to the High-Performance HVAC Today magazine and visitors to the website. He will receive a $50 gift card.You can too – submissions are always welcome. If you’d like to submit a photo for consideration in our Photo-of-the-Month contest, go to ncilink.com/POMSubmit and fill out the information as requested.THE JUNE CONTEST OPENS ON MAY 13, 2019. That gives you plenty of time to submit something in any of our three categories: The Good , The Bad , WTH (What The Heck).32 MAY 2019HIGH-PERFORMANCE HVAC TODAYHVAC SMART MARTMAY 2019 33HVACTODAY.COMAdvertiser IndexHIGH-PERFORMANCEHVAC TODAY TMAD INDEXArzel Zoning Technology, Inc. | ArzelZoning.com ................................................................... 32Baker Distributing Company | BakerDist.com ......................................................................... 25Dwyer Instruments, Inc. | www.dwyer-inst.com ...................................................................... 2Goodman Manufacturing | www.GoodmanMfg.com ............................................................ 6Jackson Systems | www.JacksonSystems.com ....................................................................... 29Lazco Corp. | www.LazcoCorp.com ................................................................................................ 5R.E. Michel Company | www.REMichel.com ...............................................................................4The New Flat Rate | www.TheNewFlatRate.com .................................................................... 32To Your Success | ToYourSuccess.com ........................................................................................ 32United Refrigeration Inc. | www.uri.com .................................................................................. 31To Subscribe to High-Performance HVAC Today:ONLINE: Visit HVACToday.com/subscribe for a FREE digital subscription.PRINT: 1 year/$72; single copy $7. Canada: 1 year/$92; single copy $9. Payable in advance with U.S. funds. Prepaid subscriptions may be sent to: High-Performance HVAC Today, PO Box 147, Avon Lake, OH 44012. Phone: 440-949-1850; toll free 800-633-7058; FAX 440-949-1851, or visit HVACToday.com/subscribe to order online.PublisherDominick GuarinoEditor-in-ChiefMike WeilArt DirectorConnie ConklinOnline Development DirectorBrian RosemanCirculation ManagerAndrea Begany- GarsedEditorial AssistantMarge SmithEmail us at contactus@hvactoday.com with your comments and questions.34 MAY 2019HIGH-PERFORMANCE HVAC TODAYA special thanks to our 10 partner sponsors who helped make Summit possible. Speaking of which, a big thanks to our Platinum sponsor, Goodman Manufacturing who hosted an incred-ible Opening Reception complete with a Jimmy Buffet tribute band! Because of their great contributions to Summit, in addition to being one of NCI’s biggest support-ers of training across North America, Goodman received our 2019 Partner of The Year Award.During his acceptance of the Award, Goodman President, Satoru Akama made a simple, yet pro-found comment about the HVAC industry: “We assemble products from steel, aluminum, and copper, but you, the contractors, are the ones who bring these products to life.” What an open, honest, and unfiltered state-ment from a manufacturer! From the stage I could see almost everyone’s mouth in the room drop in unison. Obviously I wasn’t the only one who was floored by this amazing admission and compliment. It was truly a historical moment.So much more magic occurred at Summit, from our incredible 2019 Contractor Award winners, to what were sure to become lifetime friendships forming before our very eyes.To keep the Summit experience and spirit go-ing all year-round, we are once again introducing our Trailblazer Coaching program which starts Friday May 3rd 9 am EDT, and will continue the first Friday of every month until Summit 2020. Those who attended Summit this year qualify for a special Summit rate. Click Here – or go to ncilink.com/trailblazer to learn more and en-roll in the coaching program.Preparations for our next Summit are under way. Mark your calendars: we will be in Scottsdale, AZ, April 5-9, 2020 at the We-Ko-Pa Resort, which features a world-class golf course and casino. We’ve already begun working on next year’s pro-gram based on your recommendations. Registra-tion info and a hotel reservation link will be avail-able at GoToSummit.com very soon. Summit 2019 was a resounding success this past April with a record 20% increase over last year’s record attendance! Be sure to read all about it in our special Post-Summit feature on page 22. Contractors attending this year showed a bond and camaraderie that I’ve rarely seen at an indus-try event. Several of our industry partners shared the same sentiment with me. They commented they had never witnessed this spirit of sharing and fellowship in another industry conference.What made it even more amazing for me was this feeling extended beyond the regulars who have been coming for the past 5, 10, or 15 years. This year we had a record fifty first-timers! As I talked to many of the them, a common thread emerged: They said how welcome they felt, not just by staff, but by their fellow contractors. They remarked how incredible it was that ev-eryone was so willing to share their experiences and knowledge about their PBC journey. A special shout-out to the five amazing con-tractors who co-led the breakout workshops with our instructors and coaches – your contri-butions to Summit were immeasurable!We also introduced two new Summit fea-tures: a fun game show called “Reach For The Summit,” and the ter-rific “Ask the Coaches” session with a panel of five top industry coaches. The most popular dis-cussion revolved around online reputation man-agement. Be sure to read Mike Weil’s “Today’s Word” on this topic on page 7. This year we were thrilled to have a record number of partners and event sponsors. In to-tal, 20 exhibitors were there to share information about their products and services in a tabletop program in our General Session room.Dominick Guarino is publisher of HVAC Today magazine and CEO of National Comfort Institute, Inc. He can be reached at domg@ncihvac.comONE MORE THING...By Dominick Guarino“WE ASSEMBLE PRODUCTS FROM STEEL, ALUMINUM, AND COPPER, BUT YOU, THE CONTRACTORS, ARE THE ONES WHO BRING THEM TO LIFE.” - SATORU AKAMA, PRESIDENT, GOODMANSummit 2019 Exceeded Our Expectations!Next >