< Previous30 NOVEMBER 2018HIGH PERFORMANCE HVAC TODAYand buildings they touch.High-Performance professionals embrace NCI’s motto, “If You Don’t Measure, You’re Just Guessing.” This approach goes far beyond the technical aspects of testing and improving HVAC systems. For many HVAC contractors, it applies to the performance of their businesses as well.When you set measurable goals and track how you perform against those goals, you experience meaningful growth in virtually every aspect of your business. Your KPIs (Key Performance In-dicators), should track marketing, lead conver-sions, closing rates, operational performance - virtually every aspect of your business. Can you imagine watching a baseball game where there's no scoreboard, no umpire to call balls and strikes, and everyone on the field is wearing the same jersey? There would be no way to know what inning they're in, and who is win-ning. But how many HVAC companies are run to-day with virtually no scoreboard? Your tax return doesn’t count. It’s too late by then.In the archived issues of this mag-azine, you will find valuable informa-tion on building a Performance-Based HVAC organization. We are blessed by many contributors willing to share their knowledge, successes, and yes, failures as they move up the High-Performance path. Be sure to also spend time on the HVACToday.com website where you have ac-cess to additional information, blogs, news, and so much more. We welcome your feedback as we strive to make this publication better every month. Please let us know how we can make it more valuable. We also welcome aspiring authors willing to share your experiences and knowledge. If you have an arti-cle idea that can help your fellow professionals, please don’t hesitate to contact us.Happy First Anniversary High-Performance HVAC Today! I t’s hard to believe High-Performance HVAC Today is already celebrating its first full year! I can’t tell you how proud I am of our amazing team who work so hard to produce this incredible publication every month.In addition to dozens of pages of editorials, in-dustry news, and new product information, over the past 12 months we've published 12 spotlights on the movers and shakers of High-Performance HVAC. We also featured more than 45 articles by HVAC professionals and NCI staff.A special thanks goes out to our advertisers. Your backing continues to help us provide the cutting-edge content our readers have come to expect every month. We now reach more than 15,000 subscribers across North America, Eu-rope, and many other countries worldwide. It’s exciting to see our circulation grow each month.If you’re a new reader, you might be wonder-ing what makes High-Performance HVAC Today different. In short, this publication and the HVACToday.com website were created to provide a voice for the growing group of industry professionals who are setting a higher bar. These individuals are not satisfied with just servicing or installing HVAC equipment. They are the caretakers of the entire HVAC system. They know that to deliver high performance, they must test the systems they maintain and install. They document performance, diagnose problems, and offer verifiable solutions to their customers. They see it as both a responsibility and an opportunity to improve safety, health, comfort, and energy efficiency in the homes Dominick Guarino is publisher of HVAC Today magazine and CEO of National Comfort Institute, Inc. He can be reached at domg@ncihvac.com ONE MORE THING...By Dominick GuarinoHigh-Performance HVAC Today Turns One!CAN YOU IMAGINE WATCHING A BASEBALL GAME WHERE THERE'S NO SCOREBOARD, NO UMPIRE TO CALL BALLS AND STRIKES, AND EVERYONE ON THE FIELD IS WEARING THE SAME JERSEY?Next >